How does Picture News contribute to high quality PSHE education? | Picture News
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How does Picture News contribute to high quality PSHE education?

Join us for a special guest webinar with PHSE expert and founder of Personal Development Matters, Sarah Huggins.

Thursday 3rd February 4-5pm. Register here

Since September 2021, all primary schools in England required to teach relationships and health education. The DfE  strongly recommends that the content is included in a wider programme of PSHE education (and Citizenship). In this session, we will explore how using current affairs and Picture News resources can contribute to and enhance a whole school programme of PSHE education (and Citizenship).

The free of charge session will cover:

  • Where current affairs fits into the statutory guidance and the PSHE Association Programme of Study for PSHE education.
  • Activities to use to promote discussion.
  • Creating a safe classroom environment.
  • Building relevant issues into a long term progressive plan.

Sarah Huggins Personal Development Matters is the education consultancy company of Sarah Huggins. Sarah has over 20 years’ experience in education, starting as a primary school teacher before moving into road safety education and from there to a county advisory team where she held a number of roles focussing on personal development and wellbeing. She is passionate about supporting schools to effectively address the personal development of their children and young people. She believes that now more than ever, it is vital we provide a broad and balanced education which helps children and young people to be happy, healthy, safe and fully prepared for the next stage of education and for adult life.

She offers support in the following:- • Statutory Relationships (Sex) and Health Education • Ofsted requirements for Personal Development • PSHE education and Citizenship

You can find out more about Sarah’s work here:

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